Our Message To Tutoring Services Agencies in USA.


USA local Tutoring Agencies we need your help to help each other report tutors who breach Tutoring contracts and avoid Agency commission help, by having central database to have  tutors accountable for their actions.


Here is what Tutoring Services, LLC proposes for tutoring agencies, please review and let us know if you see any drawbacks , if you see drawbacks please respond in comments below.  Here is the requirement for the business model.


It needs to follow FCRA regulations to make sure it’s not illegal

It needs to make sense for agencies to do

It needs to make sense for tutors

We created the following proposal, that starts of with marketing message then provides suggested framework.  We need your help if you are a tutoring agency to help us make this system come true.  We want to see and hear your concerns about this business system.




Currently all tutoring services companies do their own background checks and existing background checks do not provide any information on whether or not tutor who worked for specific agency was in fact reliable or simply obtained refereed by the agency tutor and then decided to do business directly with out going through agency.  Doing so, results in tutoring agencies making less money providing less better match making services, and less quality, resulting in overall lower educational level quality, less resources to operate, and less opportunities for tutoring agencies to deliver proper tutoring candidates to parents.   This major challenge effects quality of tutoring services agencies or their tutors who they broker can offer.  This result in less trust between tutor and tutoring agency, higher level commission fees are imposed by tutoring agencies in order to negate for these side effects, resulting in higher prices in tutoring industry.  Tutoring Agencies do very difficult work of finding students, to tutors it’s not beneficial to find tutors on their own, for many obvious reasons.


What we are looking from Tutoring agencies is to see if the solution proposed here would be something tutoring agencies be interested in, and if so what is it lacking or what concerns do you see as the agency with this solution.

How to Minimize Risk from Tutors avoiding Tutoring Agency commission fee Solution explained

Message to Tutoring Agencies

  • Did tutor who you enrolled in your Tutoring Agency avoid agency commission fee and you found that out either from a student/parent afterwards?
  • Did tutor who you enrolled in your Tutoring Agency took the student that agency referred only to tutor couple of times and never heard from again?
  • Did tutor violate terms and conditions and took the client that you referred and started doing business directly?

If you answered Yes to Any of these questions and you are a tutoring agency, and have screenshot of incident or any supporting documentation, then you came to the right place.

Tell us Tutor’s First Name and Last Name and write review/feedback about this tutor either positive or negative feedback.

We will enter this tutor’s info into our backgroundcheckonline.com database where any other tutoring agency will be able to see review/feedback other tutoring agencies provided and see if it was a positive or negative feedback review or neutral, so other tutoring agencies can see agency side of the story, and make decision whether to hire such tutor or not.

Note if decision was not to hire specific tutor, based on the outcome of this background check you must notify tutor that this is in fact the case.   Tutor can contact BackgroundCheckOnline.com to remove this review, in which case agency that provided review will be the only one who is going to be able to remove it, within exception of the case where Tutor can prove to us BackgroundCheckOnline.com that review provided by the tutoring agency is not accurate, where processing fee will apply to evaluate dispute.


To sign up for this Service

Tutoring Agency must provide additional addendum to their terms and condition prior to signing up tutors to work for their agency or work as independent contractor where agency helps tutor get students by referring them.  Addendum is provided below.

Registration is free, to register as the Agency and add Specific Tutor Information and review and feedback.

Specific Information is not shown to other tutors or other tutoring agencies and only shows if record is on file.

Information provided by Tutoring Agency will need to include


  • Tutor First Name
  • Tutor Last Name
  • Tutor Address
  • Tutor BirthDate
  • Male or Female
  • Review from 1 to 5 (5 being positive 1 being negative)
  • Feedback Description.
  • Feedback Claim Type.

Tutor Avoided Paying Commission Fee

Tutor did not know subject well resulting in student/parent/guardian providing negative review.

Tutor violated terms and conditions of tutoring agency.

Tutor did not violate any terms and conditions and is an outstanding tutor and highly recommended to work with.


General Search Info


Anyone can search for tutor’s first name and last name, and birthdate by indicating first name and last name and birthdate in search box, to view if specific tutor had any reviews by other tutoring agencies.  If Review was found it would show that record was found with number of reviews and their review score, to obtain background check online review, person who is obtaining it either must be tutor doing background check on yourself or tutoring agency, if this is a tutoring agency, then tutoring agency must register, provide to us one of the following Tax ID of Tutoring Agency or Article of Organization, Business Name, headquarters Business Registered State, contact info in the form of phone number, email, website and first name and last name of the tutoring agency owner or contact person.  Once tutoring agency registers, agency can obtain review for specific tutor for $5 per each review.

In which case tutoring agency will gain access to full Review description for specific tutor, see feedback claim type and feedback description, and make their decision of whether or not they should hire or not hire/associate themselves with the tutor who is applying to work with the Tutoring Agency as independent contractor or employee.

If it’s a tutor obtaining background check online on themselves online and see what review says about them, in which case, agency who added this tutor initially, will receive email from BackgroundCheckOnline.com requesting agency to confirm identity of the tutor by asking tutor questions that this particular tutoring agency would know, for example which subject tutor tutored while working for tutoring agency __Tutoring Agency Name____   or name at least 1 or 2 student names you worked with that tutoring agency referred you in the past, or first date when tutor contacted tutoring agency.

Tutoring agency would have to log into their profile on backgroundcheckonline.com and confirm tutor’s identity, once confirmed tutor would receive notification that Tutoring Agency _________Tutoring Agency Name_________ confirmed tutor’s identity, and tutor can provide payment of $15 to gain access to review and see what tutoring agency or other agency said about this specific tutor.

Any time tutoring agency confirms tutor’s identity, agency gets paid $3 for confirming identity for each specific tutor.  Tutor pays total of $15, BackgroundCheckOnline.com charges $12

***In summary********

Tutoring Agency registers free, ads their tutors free, any time another tutoring agency wants to run background check on the tutor, such agency who wants to view review must pay $5 to gain access to review for specific tutor.

Any time tutor wants to view their own background check tutor must pay $15.  If Agency confirms tutor’s identity, they get paid $3. Where BackgroundCheckOnline.com keeps $12 from student payment and gives $3.00 back to tutoring agency.

Adding Reviews/Feedback for specific tutors does not only help other tutoring agencies spot tutors who avoid tutoring commission fees, but also helps tutoring agencies make money on any of the tutors who wanted to view their own background check online by confirming their identities.  It also makes it possible for tutors to be less likely trying to avoid Tutoring Agency commission fee, because avoiding tutoring agency commission fee is stealing from the tutoring agency.

This method provides incentive for tutoring agencies to add tutors into our backgroundcheckonline.com database, and provides method for other tutoring agencies verify tutor’s identity and making back the money that they initially spent.

For Tutoring Agencies looking to run background check but worried about spending $5.

$5 Expense Fee for each background check online fee can be easily deducted from tutor’s first tutoring session expense, by adding additional $5 process mark up fee on top of the $5 and making tutor pay for it.

Suggestion for tutoring agencies is to write that into their terms and conditions and have tutors agree that if agency verifies backgroundcheckonline.com site and finds review/feedback record on file for specific tutor, that the agency has the right to request access to this record and fee for such access is $10.00 which will be deducted from the referral fee or the tutor’s tutoring session fee and in the event tutoring agency decides not to hire or refer student to tutor based on what they have seen in review/feedback reported by other agency, that tutoring agency must notify tutor of such discovery and tutor must pay $10.00 back to the tutoring agency.

Doing this will keep tutors still sign up with Tutoring Agency without having to pay anything, still be liable by terms and conditions, giving power to tutoring agency to go after tutor if they do not pay that $10.00 back.

Doing this approach will not only help tutoring agency, obtain entire return on investment of the $5.00 background check online fee, but also make additional $5.00 profit from additional mark up, where entire $10 fee would have to be paid by the tutor and deducted from tutor’s profits from the first or sub-sequent tutoring session.


Is it worth running background check online on tutor to view what other tutoring agencies said?

Answer: Yes


Reason 1. Simply because, it will help Tutoring Agencies, identify if it’s worth working with specific tutor or not, reducing risk and saving tutoring agency from potential fraud from tutor attempting to avoid tutoring agency fee, by reviewing what other tutoring agency or tutoring agencies said about specific tutor in review and feedback. Reducing risks from Disgruntle tutors and saving agency from potential overhead.

Reason 2. It Provides Best Return on investment and additional stream of revenue opportunity to make money from additional $5 mark up, and charging tutor that additional 100% $5.00 mark up.


Is it worth adding specific tutor into backgroundcheckonline.com database and providing review/feedback?

Answer: Yes


Reason 1.  It helps other tutoring agencies, to see review and feedback of your agency and decide if they should hire/associate themselves with specific tutor by providing them tutor referrals.

Reason 2.  It minimizes risk for entire tutoring services industry alltogether with respect to hiring or referring tutors, simply because, now all of the tutoring agencies are united together under this backgroundcheckonline.com review/feedback process making it less and less likely for tutors attempt to defraud tutoring agencies from commission fees that tutoring agencies truly deserve, maximizing the lifetime of specific tutor working with the tutoring agency, with less worries for tutoring agency.

Reason 3.  Tutoring agency who originally added the tutor into BackgroundCheckOnline.com database can make additional money from confirming tutor’s identity, $3.00 from each identity confirmation.

Reason 4. Tutors will be less willing to attempt and work with tutoring agency referred student directly avoiding tutoring agency commission fee.

Does Background Check Online for Tutoring Agencies replace other type of background checks available out there?

 Answer: No

Other Background checks companies are still highly recommended for tutoring agencies to use, since they have access to public and criminal search type of databases, and are separate from background check online for Tutoring Agencies and for Tutors Business System described here.


Will Tutoring Agency overall cost be appropriate for my tutoring match making small business if both methods are used such as public background check from another company and additional background check for tutors from backgroundcheckonline.com and how does that apply in the context of small tutoring business match making company.

Answer: Yes cost will be appropriate.


Cost of public background check is about $7 to $125 some companies charge slightly less depends on company and depending on how many background checks agency buys.

Cost of viewing background check online review/feedback for specific tutor is only $5.00 with $5 markup for the tutoring agency.

Avg tutoring session is 1.5 hours.  If Agency’s tutor charges $50 per hour then 1.5 hours is $75 per tutoring session, and if agency takes for example 60% commission fee that’s $45 for an agency and $30 for tutor.  Obviously depending on the tutoring agency matchmaking commission fee may be different then 60%.  Some may even charge whooping 70% and some charge 10% and some completely free.

Entire background check fee can be paid off just from the first 1 to 2 lessons.  Tutors would be happy to work for free for first lesson or even 2nd lesson, because tutors would know that tutoring agency did not charge them for background check fee up front and they are getting a student.  Of course there are other factors such as first free Trial lesson, resulting with tutor possibly even working for free for the first 2 or 3 lessons, depending on what Tutoring Agency, company has to offer.

Note some other method is not to deduct payment from the tutor profit, and instead deduct it from tutoring agency profit.  So for example if tutoring agency earned $30 for first tutoring session, then agency can simply be ok with not getting that $30 and using this $30 towards background check while allowing tutor take entire profit from first lesson.  This approach is specifically useful for tutoring agencies who charge large matchmaking commission percentages.  Simply because they already take large percentages and can cover the cost of these background check fees.

Depending on how company is structured, decision on how tutoring agency should include background check online tutor verification process into their terms of service should come based on the following factors.


Does tutoring agency already charges huge commission percentage for each lesson?

Does tutoring agency have proper marketing setup to attract tutors?

Case Scenario 1

Tutoring agency has 10 tutors around couple of cities.  Tutoring agency charges only 10% for each match.

Tutors like the 10% fee and sign up with the tutoring agency.  Agency interviews tutors and spends time marketing tutors.

Tutors want to work with the agency.  Agency acts as the broker, where tutors do not work for the agency directly and not categorized as employees.  Tutoring agency provides scheduling tools for tutors.

Challenge 1.

Commission is way to low 10% for agency to pay off it’s own expenses, huge overhead of trying to interview tutors.

Solution 1 for Challenge 1.  Introduce additional stream of revenue from doing background checks from reputable background check site.

Solution 2 for Challenge 1.

Charge tutors for background check online review/feedback provided by other tutoring agency for tutor, but deduct it from tutor’s tutoring first sessions profits.

Explanation of Solution 2.

Solution 2 for challenge 1, although will provide method for providing additional stream of revenue, it’s only viable if another tutoring agency already added that tutor on backgroundcheckonline.com and tutor’s record exists.

That still does not prevent tutoring agency to go ahead and register anyway and add tutor’s review/feedback.

This way if the tutor whose agency spent precious time on interviewing decides to jump ships, tutoring agency can provide honest review/feedback when tutor quits this agency, giving flexibility to help out other tutoring agencies with the review/feedback while creating additional stream of revenue for the agency by being able to confirm tutor’s identity when that tutor decides to run background check on him/herself resulting in $3.00 payment  by simply confirming tutor’s identity.

Fundamental problem with Solution 2 is that although it does help tutoring agency with bringing in some additional revenue, it does not really have the problem of tutor attempting to avoid the tutoring agency in a first place, and reason being is because tutoring agency fee is low anyway, so why bother attempting to avoid tutoring agency in a first place when agency provides marketing, support, scheduling and helps tutor get clients.  Therefore the need for backgroundcheckonline.com may not be so apparent.  However do not be fooled by this logic.

Tutors who register with the agency are like water, anywhere they see method to do business directly with the student they will try to exploit especially if tutoring agency does not provide good incentives. Protect your Tutoring Agency by registering as the agency into backgroundcheckonline.com and adding your tutors into database and providing them review/feedback positive or negative.  This will help not only tutoring agency to make money, but also help tutors realize that attempting to avoid tutoring agency commission fee structure is plain wrong, and doing so can result in being banned from tutoring services industry altogether. The effect of this to an actual tutor can be huge.   Tutor may not like this and may not even bother signing up with the agency, after seeing such terms and conditions.  However, as the tutoring agency your goal should be extract reliable tutors who you can work with from non-reliable tutors.

Case Scenario 2

Tutoring agency has 10 tutors around couple of cities.  Tutoring agency charges only 10% for each match.

Tutors like the 35% fee and sign up with the tutoring agency.  Agency interviews tutors and spends time marketing tutors.

Tutors want to work with the agency.  Agency acts as the broker, where tutors do not work for the agency directly and not categorized as employees.  Tutoring agency provides scheduling tools for tutors.

Challenge 1.  Tutors see the fee is higher for matchmaking, and more likely to either jump ships (go to another tutoring agency, become independent tutors) and become more likely candidates in avoiding tutoring agency commission fee.  Agency still makes money, but overhead is still huge interviewing tutors and keeping up with scheduling.

Solution 1.  Enroll into BackgroundCheckonline.com register as the tutoring agency, supply additional addendum to terms and conditions for tutors as shown in this article.  Deduct background check online fee from each tutor’s profit from first lesson. This will help agency make some mark upamount for background check verification from other reputable sites and wil also help agency charge tutor $10, where $5 is 100% mark up and $5.00 is the fee that goes to backgroundcheckonline.com

This will minimize tutoring agency’s risk of tutors doing business directly with student and avoiding agency fee, it will introduce additional revenue stream from both background checks from reputable company and from tutor backgroundcheckonline.com service for agencies.


For Tutors

To prove to us that the tutoring agency provided not accurate review, tutor must provide screenshots evidence of transcripts, communications and other information that can support inaccurate claim of tutoring agency.  Processing fee for analyzing tutor’s claim to remove review, will apply with no guarantees that review will be removed and is at the discretion of Tutoring Services, LLC  based on provided evidence.

Terms of Use for Tutoring Agencies

Any Tutoring Agency that participates in this background check online program must provide terms and conditions additional addendum for any tutor who is signing up with the agency to sign.

Here is what terms and condition should say to protect Tutoring Agency from tutors who try to avoid paying commission to the agency for the referral of the student.  Simply provide this additional background check addendum to your existing terms and conditions as an additional document to minimize risk of tutors avoiding tutoring agency fee.

For Tutoring Agency providing brokerage match making services between students and tutors, BackgroundCheckOnline.com Terms and Conditions addendum

I the tutor working or associated with the following company ____Tutoring Agency Name______, agree that ________Tutoring Agency_____ can provide feedback positive or negative feedback review about tutor who they hired and referred student to, but did not receive commission fee due to tutor bypassing tutoring agency and doing tutoring services business with student directly by accepting money payment from student/guardian/parent directly without tutoring agency’s consent or awareness or obtaining referral of student from tutoring agency or not paying tutoring agency commission fee for referred student provided by _______Tutoring Agency Name_________, which can effect tutor employment or independent contract opportunities with other tutoring agencies who may decide to purchase background check online review of the tutor from backgroundcheckonline.com site powered by Tutoring Services, LLC.

I agree that tutoring agency who you are associated with for the service that they are providing, does not grantee removal of tutor’s feedback from backgroundcheckonline.com site.  You agree that if you avoid tutoring agency commission fee and do business directly with the student/parent/guardian and agency finds that out, that the tutoring agency will have the right to report your review to BackgroundCheckOnline.com website specifically designed by Tutoring Services, LLC for Tutoring Agencies, who can view other tutoring agency’s tutor review and make a decision of whether or not they should hire a tutor based on review/feedback of another tutoring agency.

I agree that if agency finds out that tutoring lessons for which ____Tutoring Agency ____ referred student are being done avoiding commission fee, that this may affect tutors future employment, where other tutoring agencies who see that may deny tutor’s employment based on the review/feedback seen from another agency.   I agree that in order to dispute the review/feedback that the Tutoring Agency provided, there will be processing fee for analyzing the claim imposed by backgroundcheckonline.com on tutor who decides to dispute the review.

I agree that the processing fee will not guarantee removal of the tutoring agency review/feedback, it will only provide tutor method to dispute review/feedback.  I agree that if backgroundcheckonline.com is not able to get in touch with the tutoring agency, due to tutoring agency ____Tutoring Agency Name____ bankrupcy or other force major circumstances, that only in that case review/feedback of the tutoring agency about the tutor will be removed, and only in circumstances where I the tutor notify backgroundcheckonline.com of such circumstances regarding this claim and have sufficient evidence to prove to BackgroundCheckOnline.com inaccuracy of the claim.


How is this Process different from any other Background Check companies?

This Background Check process is specifically designed for companies specializing in tutoring matchmaking, it’s led by the company named Tutoring Services, LLC who is familiar with match making business and has many different business models, ranging from independent tutors based business models, test prep and tutoring match making.

This solution for tutoring agency is brought to you by Tutoring Services, LLC. Owner and concept creator of this business model is Rome Wells, who landed his job at board of education at the age of 16, who happens to be computer expert, business strategist, marketer, current/former certified teacher for the state of CT.

Owner of this company created www.TutoringServices.com for independent tutors, owner of this company came up with the idea for backgroundcheckonline.com, owner of this site created other local tutoring business models examples of which you can view at WestchesterTutoring.com GreenwichTutoring.com FairfieldTutor.com TutorStamford.com RyeTutor.com, StudyGuide.NET and many other sites related to education.   Owner of the site is also a network consultant, you can find his site on NetworkConsultant.NET and view engineering solutions and services he provides amongst many other sites.

Owner managed to use his innovative approach tactics to build centralized site, to convince tutoring agencies to sign up and convinced tutors to sign up.  Free registration sites that owner created for tutors include tutor-ads.com, tutoringservices.com, usedcollegebooks.net, ratemyschool.net and many others.   Social media sites you will find under Tutoring Services, LLC company’s umbrella are facebook.com/MathTutor  Google.com/+TutoringServices

Currently owner is designing test prep module system, video recording systems, that inter combines multiple tutoring services functions together with content creators.

Additionally owner of Tutoring Services, LLC is creating innovative IPAD GPS tracking apps, payment processing and many other features and functions for tutoring agency business model systems, independent tutoring sites, content developers and IT consulting firms.  If you have a tutoring agency and need business structuring advice, don’t hesitate to contact us from the contact form, owner provides consultation and marketing advice that can help tutoring agencies obtain students, tutors.

Tutoring Services, LLC is the leading provider in innovative solutions for tutoring services type of agencies.


Now Attention to Tutoring Agencies We need your help.

If you agree with this business strategy of unification of all the companies together, under common background check structure for entire tutoring services industry, then respond here and let us know what you think.    Why do we need your help?  Our company specializes in variety of solutions for tutoring agencies, background check happens to be one of them.  Tutoring Services, LLC has different business hybrid structures.   We noticed this challenge and wanted to bring that to agencies attention launch discussion and then implement it within the guidelines and regulations of Federal Law FCRA.   If we get enough backers for this system, then we can roll it out for agencies, but we need your support.

Note background check is just one of the mechanisms that can help reduce chances of tutors avoiding agency, other factors and methods that can help tutors  are discussed on our our local tutoring site,  it demonstrates methods on how to do that, however… these methods are unique to each agency.  We already created methods for our  local tutoring business model system to do that, now we want to help agencies team up with each other, to address this challenge.  We have team of engineers and experts who can roll out this solution, but we need to ensure that the solution provided does not have any drawbacks prior to rolling it out.  Once it’s rolled out any agency can report tutors for where they have proof that they avoided tutoring agency within context of FCRA guidelines.