Before your guest reserves your place, verify him/her to see what records are on file for a particular guest,get recommendation from Background Check Online trained virtual assistant
Discover your guests, before they cause you insane amount of damage by providing you with non-accurate review!
Get Recommendations from our virtual assistant helping you decide whether or not to allow your guest to stay with you or not.
Simply message us from the bottom right corner chat icon below and let us know your guest’s first name and last name, so we can tell you what we found.
How Does it Work?
- Tell us Your Guest Name by sending a message by pressing Online button on the bottom right
- Show us your AirBnB listing URL & tell us where guest is from, show us screenshot of guest message..
- Get Assigned Virtual and receive response within 2 hours with more info about the guest.
What will happen within 2 hours?
- Your assigned virtual assistant will search multiple records about this guest, using our propriatory search mechanism across multiple closed groups, social media channels, as well as other public records, to create solid opinion about whether or not it's a good idea to host the guest.
- If we can't find any info will let you know by email.
- Get Assigned Virtual and receive response within 2 hours with more info about the guest.
Remember... Getting Low Reviews Kills Your Business
Your Risk of Failure Can Be Reduced
Why It’s better To Decline The Guest than to get Nuked.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you don’t accept a lot of guests when they attempt to book your place?
You guessed it, your acceptance rate would get lower causing you some headaches with potentially getting your short term rental listing removed. Hence ideally you do want to accept the guests, otherwise you would get penalized.
However that doesn’t mean that you should accept every one
of your guests who books with you, simply because some of these guests can
simply be not compatible with your hosting standards or have unrealistic
expectations in relationship to their previous hosting experience.
Such unrealistic expectations can be any of the following.
- Outstanding Hospitality (even though your place is not a hotel)
- Low Price (even though your property is located in a better more affluent market)
- Zero Noise Factor (even though your place is part of the house and small noise from above the stairs is normal)
Refund (for anything that they can poke around on just to stay free in your property)
- The list goes on and on and on...
The question you should ask yourself is…
Where is the limit for how far you can jump to accommodate
unrealistic expectations of unscrupulous guests in relationship to your
The Answer is…
You must jump higher than your competitor.
The problem is… eventually both… you and your competitor reach
the limit… of how high is too high.
Trying to accommodate every guest, in every possible use
case… is literally impossible, unless you dedicate insane amount of energy to
be a complete perfectionist.
The problem is… in many cases short term hosts can not be perfectionists simply because they also have family to feed and can not pamper the guests to insane level of expectations that some of such guests are used to.
Therefore the only solution is to either…
- A) be the perfectionist with hopes you will be ok… or...
- B) Minimize your chance of getting nuked by the needy or unscrupulous guests
One way of minimizing your risk of failure, is to verify each every one of your guests before they stay with you. Imagine being able to discover that the guests are extremely needy? Would you want that type of guest to stay in your property? Chances are probably not… unless you take pride in being perfectionist… and getting well compensated for this…
Yet the reality is… sometimes the amount of effort hosts add in pampering guests… out weight any of the personal host benefits and only adds too much unnecessary stress….
Why not simply do not accept the guests who give you stress?
This is precisely what this background guest checking verification service is all about.Get Started Today With Your First Background Check
Completely on us
Price is $15 per 3 guest checks per month, with response rate of 24 hours.
Price is $35 per 3 guest checks per month, with response rate of 2 hours.
Useful Links
Subscribe now and get Unlimited Access to:
+ Nationwide Criminal Records Check
+ Arrests and Warrants
+ Misdemeanors and Felonies
+ Convictions and Incarcerations
+ DUIs and Criminal Driving Violations
+ Distinguishing Bodily Marks
+ Probation Information
+ Height, Weight and Hair Color
+ Mug shots When Available
+ Offense Information and Fines Paid
+ Sex Offender Records
+ Federal and State Inmate Records