Search Criminal Record

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Find Criminal Records Online—fast, affordable, and easy!

Criminal Records contain an individual or a company/organization’s criminal history in written form. These records are available in state and county levels for public access. In the past, people needing a criminal records check to be performed had to pay for the services of a private investigator. In this global age of the internet and via Background Check Online, you can now gain access to criminal records online.

Hiring a Private Investigator locally will cost you approximately $40-$100 on an hourly basis, depending on the level of search you need done (including a criminal records check). The flat rate paid to these investigators do not include extra charges such as mileage fees, court fees, and etc. With Background Check Online, you pay a fraction of the cost and get to avoid the hassle of reaching a PI to get criminal records access. Plus, you get results at the comfort of your home—online at the quickest time.

There are three levels of criminal records and here are what you basically need to know about each:

  1. National Criminal Records – Never believe anyone who tells you they can gain access to national criminal records. That is illegal—it is only the FBI who manages and owns access to these databases. Information in the national criminal records database is for the FBI and justice agencies alone.
  2. State Criminal Records – These are the records that are obviously on the state level. Some information are available for the public, but aren’t accessible for free. State criminal records are collected from the counties of each respective state. The Department of Corrections and Administrative Office of the Court are the resources for state criminal records.
  3. County Criminal Records – County criminal records contain information on a federal level (such as drug trafficking and other similar offenses).

Since it has been stated that you cannot check national criminal records, is it advisable to check state or county criminal records? We say BOTH. Background Check Online can deliver both state and county level criminal records, and here are but a few reasons why we suggest you look at both:

  • State criminal records are updated per county and sometimes have information gap. It is advisable that records from counties be supplemented.
  • County level and state level crimes are different—when one person is cleared in the state level does not mean that he/she has not committed anything in the county level.

Do you want more information about how to find criminal records online? Feel free to contact us and we’d be more than happy to answer your every query.